
Automatic Analog Lighting System Project Thumbnail

Automatic Analog Lighting System

Fully analog automatic lighting system integrating a comparator Op-Amp, a passive infrared sensor (PIR), transistors, and a photoresistor to turn on a light.

Light activates only when ambient light is low and motion is detected, leading to cost savings due to increased efficiency.

Added an adjustable potentiometer to change sensitivity to light and motion for ease of use.

Simulated circuit, designed PCB, and designed a 3D-printed enclosure for a compact prototype.

Project Thumbnail

Alarm Clock and Weather Tracker

Developed my own seven-segment display from scratch using programmable LEDs.

Used and RTC module to keep track of time and date. Which also had an ambient temperature sensor.

Translate RTC clock value to a 7-segment display and display the time and date based on inputs from buttons soldered to microcontroller.

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Web Developing and Personal Portfolio

Developed my own personal portfolio using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Used knowledge about web development to create a responsive and user-friendly website.

Used knowledge about computer science to program the website.

Examples include my own portfolio, organizations around my school campus, and businesses in town.